VEF Blog

Titre du blog : Annabelle Verhaeghe
Auteur : fioregale
Date de création : 13-03-2012
posté le 12-02-2014 à 17:06:36

I have it

I have it I swear I have it
In a peaceful part of my feet
I have it and I can save me with
it in a peaceful part of my feet
In your body
Strong in the middle of your body
my feet
You will feel it
Strong in the middle of your body
No matter
No matter

Don’t need somebody
To make the work
I needed to have strong
In my body
in my feet
To support strong that failed me
In my head
in my felt

And now I have it

I can save me
I can beat you
I can scream
When I want

I will not remain paralyzed
I will not fuck you
I will not let you touch me
I'll make you feel my feet
Strong in the middle of your body

So strong that you will disappear
like smoke
carrying with you that I release
The attraction did you approach me
and my curse
You have all my curse
in a peaceful part of my feet.

You'll have to share it of course
But don’t worry
I have it
I swear
And enough of it
For all you guys

To destroy the middle of your bodies

And now
I can save me
I can beat you
I can scream
When I want

But I don’t want to scream now
I want to scream when you will disappear under my feet
To scary you
Like an animal
To scary past
To prevent future

I’m coming
With all my peaceful parts.
Musique : Julian Baubil